Updated 1-2025 Crop insurance is a tool farmers can use to mitigate risk. Farmers have noted crop insurance as their most important agriculture risk management tool. A licensed agent can provide...
Job Title: Loan Officer Location: Oakland Branch Tenure: 7 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was in 4-H throughout my childhood. I served in a variety of leadership roles while I was a...
A decade ago, Farm Credit of the Virginias (FCV) began the journey to fill a need within our footprint: education and connection for those involved in or interested in agriculture. The Farm Credit...
Many New Year's resolutions involve turning our thumbs a deeper shade of green and growing more of our own food. But if you’ve already dug into the newly arrived seed catalogs, you may have found a...
In the heart of the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, Matt Hall and Chris Ziems have built a timber empire. The pair met while working together at Coastal Lumber Company in the 1990s and in 2002...
Job Title: Senior Loan Officer Location: Warrenton Branch Tenure: 19 years Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. My husband and I raise beef cattle, both commercial and registered stock...
Job Title: Corporate Secretary Location: Verona Operations Center Tenure: 39 years Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up on a farm. We raised beef cattle, hogs, corn and hay...
Ensure you have obtainable goals that will take you to a new level. Whether personal or professional goals, it is important to set yourself up for success! Record keeping can be a daunting task...
No matter what time of year it is, it is extremely important to understand your plant hardiness zone if you are gardening or landscaping. Before you get started, take a moment to review the USDA Plant...
Farm Credit is known for building meaningful relationships with our customer-owners; however, our continued success is dependent on more than just customer relations. Even many of our customer-owners...
Will Walker is a furniture maker and sawyer; however, upon hearing his story, entrepreneur is also a very fitting title. Will's creative spirit and entrepreneurial mindset have driven him to identify and pursue business opportunities which span multiple industries. He has even built a substantial following on YouTube where he educates viewers from around the world while demonstrating his craftsmanship, expertise and passion.
Job Title: Loan Officer Location: Harrisonburg Branch Tenure: 9 years Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I participated in 4-H for ten years in my youth, showing livestock and competing in...
Job Title: Business Relationship Specialist Location: Rocky Mount Branch Tenure: 24 years Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up on a 150-acre dairy farm, now a beef cattle farm...
The 5 C’s of Credit All lending institutions have the responsibility to complete due diligence in order to be a reliable and consistent source of sound, adequate, and constructive credit. The degree...
As America's veterans transition to civilian life, many pursue careers in agriculture. Clint Kelly is a combat veteran of the U.S. Army who now owns and operates a farm alongside his wife, Julia, in...